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You don't need a bigger budget to control your risk
Use a simple tool for your risk assessments and know exactly where you're exposed
Know how and where to best spend your resources to reduce your risk.

Data and useful reports help you get your priorities straight.


1. Your missionFirst, we work with you to figure out your goals and needs. This can be anything from improving your risk processes to getting better data.
2. Getting you onboardedThen we help you customise the platform so it meets your specific needs. To do this, we analyse your risk assessment process and collect key data for analysis.
3. Customising risks and controlsNow you have a collection of risk and control factors to use – or you can make your own. It will save you time and makes it easier to build your risk assessments.
4. Doing your risk assessmentsYou and your colleagues are now building your risk assessments together in Speculo. The status can be seen by everyone, and the design and interface are easy to use.
5. Your insightsLastly, the data reports and dashboards will help you figure out what your next steps should be, whether they’re tactical or strategic.

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